Episode 40
Episode 40
The busy GPs at the Horfield Health Centre find the time to put several worried patients’ minds at rest this week.
Baby Mattias’ testicles didn’t descend when he was a new-born and, several months on, mum Julie still isn’t sure that they have. Fortunately, following an examination, Dr Jane Edge is able to confirm that all is now well with Mattias’ testicles. And the GP even has time to take a look at his big brother Benjamin’s infected finger.
Patient Everton is back for a review with Dr Andrew Cordell about his “horribly high” blood pressure. Thankfully it’s much improved, but it’s not such good news when it comes to Everton’s blood results, which call for less drinking, and an altogether healthier lifestyle.
Later Dr Andrew Cordell sees David, who suffers from Parkinson’s Disease. David seems well and is maintaining his weight, but is struggling to get up in the morning. He doesn’t do any exercise at home, but Andy is pleased to hear that he’s still getting out and about most evenings.
Sean is a musician and is worried about his hearing due to on going ENT issues. He’s tried all sorts of nasal sprays and treatments, but the symptoms persist. Dr Anna Graham thinks he may have a chronic rhinitis and Sean is delighted that he may finally have a diagnosis.
Jane is experiencing tummy and bowel issues, and becomes quite emotional when she explains all the stress she’s been under lately to Dr Amanda Ramshaw. Her GP offers a sympathetic ear and, after detecting a lump in Jane’s abdomen, urgently refers her for further tests.
Ann is on a new medication and has been experiencing pains in her chest. Dr Jane Edge runs through her ECG results and reassures Ann that her medication is safe and not the cause of the pains, but they have to keep an eye on her whilst she’s taking it. Dr Edge is really happy to hear that the medication is helping and is very complimentary of Ann’s shoes!
Clifford injured his leg and, while tending to the wound, UCC Lizzie Harris is surprised by the state of his legs and feet!
Nancy visits Dr Anna Graham with an angry flare up of eczema. Dr Graham offers lots of great advice on how to manage the symptoms and prescribes some steroid cream to try and get it under control.
Julie has a chesty cough and sounds pretty terrible. She’s not been taking her inhalers and Dr Amanda Ramshaw is shocked when she enquires how much Julie is smoking - a whopping 40-50-a-day!
Adorable little Riley is in for some results, which fortunately are all clear. He’s been experiencing aches in his legs, but Dr Andrew Cordell thinks he’s a healthy happy child, that’s just experiencing growing pains.